This topic is about individual and family capacity building. This might include additional supports and projects that support:

  • self-advocacy and rights awareness
  • supported decision-making
  • reducing isolation
  • peer support so people with disability can learn from the experience of others
  • improving community connections
  • leadership development and life skills development
  • relationship building
  • life skills development
  • family leadership and development
  • parenting groups and workshops, education and training.

* Posts will be moderated before being published, submitting your post does not guarantee it will be featured on our ideas wall.

We want to know your ideas about:

  • What types of supports are needed to help people with disability be better supported in:
    • decision-making and to advocate for what they need
    • being independent and participating in the community as equal citizens
    • making and maintaining peer and community connections
  • What supports help families, carers and kin to support their loved ones with disability.